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East Herts Footpath Society Policy Statement for Walking --including our reporting system for Accidents and Incidents


IT is the policy of East Herts Footpath Society (EHFS) to ensure, as far as possible, the safety of the members undertaking its walking activities.


The steps currently in place are:-

  1. All walks are led by experienced walk leaders who are normally assisted by members who have knowledge of the route being taken.

  2. Known risks will be highlighted by the leader before the walk commences.

  3. ‘Back markers’ may be in place for large groups (10+).

  4. Fluorescent waistcoats are available.

  5. All walks will be conducted to take account of slower walkers.

  6. The EHFS will operate an up to date accident/incident book and this will highlight any areas of concern

  7. Walks safety will be an agenda item at committee meetings and the AGM.


Areas to be aware of are:-

  1. Slips and falls.

  2. Dress appropriate to weather conditions.

  3. Weather conditions.

  4. Livestock and walkers’ dogs.

  5. Road and farm traffic.

  6. Tick bites.

  7. Farm chemicals.


Existing Hazard control measures in place:-

On the EHFS website members are advised about:

  1. Dressing appropriately for the weather, including footwear.

  2. Being aware of dehydration, carrying sun screening and water.

On the walk the leaders will advise:

  1. About the day’s conditions.

  2. About anyone’s concerns – and they will check that members are prepared.

  3. About the route to be taken and any hazards they may meet.

  4. That a ‘back marker’ will be appointed.




Reasons for reporting accident/incident

  • Trip or fall resulting in pain.

  • Hospital admission.

  • Unconsciousness.

  • Unable to proceed with the walk.

  • First aid administered.


Reporting procedure

  • EHFS chairperson holds the accident/incident reporting book published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

  • When the chairperson is unavailable the reporting book is held by another nominated committee member.

  • The chairperson is responsible for recording all accident/incident information.

  • The walk leader is required to provide the details of accidents/incidents to the chairperson.


Get social with us!

East Herts Footpath Society (EHFS), an independent walking and campaigning group that works for and assists in the preservation and enhancement of our network of public rights of way for the greater public benefit and enjoyment of the beauty of the countryside.

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Registered Charity

No. 1008960


Secretary: Frances Adams

7 Gypsy Lane

Great Amwell


SG12 9RL


01920 870861

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